Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are Great Leaders Born or Made?

Most of the people in the world believe that leaders are born with the necessary qualities that make them successful as a leader. Some of them also believe that leadership, like many other similar characteristics, can be learned and developed through life. For me, I think much of the debate depends on how we define leadership.
Let assume leadership means having an ability and desire to inspire and influence others. Based on that definition, I can certainly see the argument that leaders are born with leading qualities when I see my friend using his inherent ability to influence his little brother to do the things she wants them to do.
If leadership means being courageous and willing to speak out for the betterment of those around us, I would think that leaders do not have to be born as such. I have seen people who consider themselves introverts and overall followers become successful leaders when faced with an issue they are passionate about.
If we define leadership as having atypical intelligence, creativity or drive, then I am back to believing that it is a trait we are born with, although we may or may not continue to develop that trait through our life.
Aside from having a passion that translates into action, there are several ways we can develop our own leadership skills. First, work on improving our communication ability, especially our ability to listen to others. We must willing to take risks. Network and look for ways to expand our contacts. Focus on working and living with integrity and respect for others. Encourage those around you to find their own leadership qualities. Be confident in ourselves and our abilities. Know our strengths and be ready to ask for support in areas where we are lacking. Create a vision and share our vision to inspire others. Think positively and commit to reaching our goals.

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